St. David’s Prayer Circle,

Several requests for prayers on behalf of loved friends and relatives have been received, as well as for prayers about world events, and concerns for people living through difficult circumstances abroad.

A Prayer box is on the vestibule table, marked ‘Prayer Requests’. If anyone in our fellowship would like the newly formed Prayer Circle to pray for any particular matter or situation, he/she is invited to write the request on one of the slips provided and put it in the box. The box will be emptied weekly. Request slips will soon appear in the pews as well.

The three founder members of the Prayer Circle are Yvonne Gulley, Pamela Marsden and Beryl Thomas, but anyone from our fellowship is welcome to join at any time. We are not intending to hold any formal or communal prayer sessions. Yvonne will empty the vestibule box weekly and will circulate the prayer requests to other members of the circle, who may simply pray for the requests privately in their own time.

For more information about the Prayer Circle, please speak to Yvonne in the first instance.
