Meghalaya - the deteriorating situation.
The Rev. Gwenda Richards, who visited North East India as Moderator of the General Assembly and who has continued to visit and keep in touch with the churches there, has recently made contact, pointing to the growing effects of Covid 19 in Meghalaya , and in the rest of North East India. Subsequently, we contacted the Khasi Jaintia Synod and have heard how the Church is at the forefront of the response to the crisis there, while at the same time shepherding their people through an extremely difficult time.
Naturally, the two hospitals under the care of the Synod, the H. Gordon Roberts in Shillong and the Norman Tunnel Hospital in Jowai, are under the greatest pressure. We understand that all of Gordon Roberts' beds have been filled, and that they are now considering how best to secure more space. As a priority, they are also looking at ways of organising staff, who have been under pressure for some time, to be able to give more of their time. There is also a shortage of medical oxygen. In Jowai, although in a more rural situation with a little less pressure, they do not have a ventilator and find it difficult to treat patients without the necessary medical resources. We are also aware that Durtlang Hospital in Mizoram will soon face a similar crisis. We hope to update you next week on ways in which we can assist them more practically, especially with a view to trying to secure resources to buy oxygen concentrators or ventilators.
As for the Synod, they have arranged an opportunity for their members to pray about the situation and will join a time of national prayer on Thursday evening, May 13th, from 7 to 9. They have sent us some prayer points – asking for prayer for the patients, the hospital, for those who suffer from depression, the poor, and the government of Meghalaya. In order to be able to pray with them, we invite you to join this time of prayer (2.30 - 4.30pm here), to pray individually, in groups, or to join a prayer meeting on Zoom which will be arranged by the Connexion. If you would like us to send you the link, please send an email to
At a time when there is much talk of the easing of restrictions, including much talk of being able to embrace one another again, let us embrace the people of Meghalaya and the rest of North East India and Mizoram in prayer.